How many balls will you shoot during autonomous?

After seeing discussion on the low bar poll thread about how many teams will be able to do a two-ball auto, I wanted to see what teams are thinking without driving that thread farther off topic. How many balls is your team planning to score during autonomous per match at your first event? And don’t worry, I made the poll results private, so you can tell the truth without fear of sharing secrets. :smiley:

I would be beyond thrilled with 18. :wink:

How are you planning to teleport balls? Or your robot? I was pretty sure that the battery couldn’t supply the required power draw.

Im doubting that there will be a lot of shooting during autonomous especially high goal.

OP asked how many balls we would score in autonomous at our first event. I’ll leave the rest as an exercise for the reader. :wink:

Someone wants to make it to the finals, but not sweep the elimination rounds?

I think there will be lots of shooting… Maybe not much scoring, but definitely lots of shooting…

We’ll definitely be shooting one at the high goal…Once several routines are dialed in (different positions, different defenses) and our vision-tracking is consistent, we’ll be exploring more interesting options that might involve multiple boulders… Of course, we need to have more robot built than we have now to even think about it.

Sean’s in the District system. He wants 12 quals, 2 quarters, 2 semis and 2 final matches. Shooting once in each.

Not sure how many balls everyone will shoot. Maybe we should count BOULDERS? ::rtm::

“Shoot” and “score” are two very different things. I believe that many teams will shoot 1 ball in auto. Not many of those teams will be scoring though.

I really think that the 2 ball auto is not as difficult as everyone thinks.

The poll was meant to measure how many balls a team plans on scoring. I’m sure a team won’t be planning to shoot 2 balls in auto but only score 1 going into their first event, they’ll be planning to make both, even though that might not actually happen.

The way we see it, if you can’t score on a high goal in autonomous, you can’t score on a high goal. There are just too many obstructions to aim from your own castle. It may be possible to do this using a teleop camera, but by the time you get enough resolution to take aim, your frame rate over the network is terrible, at least for a regular video stream.

How would you compare the difficulty of a penalty free 2 ball auto this year to a 7-disc auto in 2013? Keeping in mind that in 2013, there weren’t any obstacles to traverse. It was just shoot 3, drive forward and intake, shoot 4.

According to G13 you may not contact the Midline’s volume. If that’s where the boulders are located, how exactly are you planning on collecting more balls during auto, without any penalties?

You have to have a ball acquisition manipulator that doesn’t need to grab but about 1/3 of the ball to pick it up… Your autonomous routine needs to have precise control of the robot’s location… You have to be able to do it all quickly… Picking up the extra boulder, crossing a defense with it and scoring it is not the hard part… Doing so without committing a mid-line foul and all under 15 seconds is the hard part…

We had one of the better three-tote autonomous routines last year and, as we have analyzed this, we do think it will be trickier to pull off than last year’s routine… It can be done, but will the time it takes to develop it be justified by an extra 10 points a match?

1 in the high goal…hopefully

I think that it really depends on your strategy. The way we are doing it seems about even in complexity to 2013. If you plan on getting the ball from the center line after crossing back into the neutral zone the task becomes more difficult.

Look at how many teams consistently did a “shoot - get discs from midline - shoot” auto in 2013. Maybe 20 in the world?

Look at how many teams consistently did a 2 zone auto (including bump crossing and collecting/kicking balls in the second zone) in 2010. Maybe 10 in the world?

A 2 ball auto in Stronghold basically requires doing both of these tasks sequentially…all in 15 seconds…with a much narrower margin for penalties…into a much smaller goal.

Working 2 ball autonomous modes will exist but they will be more rare than multi-game piece autos in past games. You will never see one robot score three balls in a match in autonomous mode in Stronghold. Jar Nack has spoken.

(Don’t agree? Get out there and prove me wrong)

Agree, and even looking at 2014 where all you have to do was shoot straight forward. I don’t expect to see very many balls scored in auto let alone more than one from a single robot.

Jar Nack has been correct before in regards to auto. Wise teams will listen to his wisdom.