How Many Completed Rockets Week 1?

Please post event and match number in which you witnessed an alliance score a completed rocket during Week 1. Video clips would be nice to see also.

Red just did it in Q62 at Southfield. (33, 5436, 1188) First natural Unicorn I have seen this season. I know there was at least one yesterday, with the rocket awarded on penalty.


Qual 43 of Montreal

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Qual 95, Palmetto. First of the event.

FiM Southfield: Qual 26, blue alliance (4377, 5436, 2834) completed the rocket (not 4RP)

Only a question, we are Rookies this year, it’s better fill the rocket or make point from climbing??

Gainesville, GA Match 8 (166,1102 and 4509) completed one rocket.


Comparing the amount of ranking points from climbing vs those from a complete rocket, I would say you should go for climbing as it is the easier on eot achieve at this point. There have only been a few rocket RPs, compared to many climb RPs.


1511 and 3990 filled and Rocket and got HAB Dock in Qual 62 of Montreal

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Qual 64 at Orange County

330, 5669 and 2493


Damn. Even got the climb. Want to see that in person

Thought I’d put those two photos up, the rocket lit with the climb bonus, and the 4 RP scoreboard.


why so few?

Perhaps it’s really as hard as some of us thought it would be?


It’s because the cycle times to actually be able to finish a rocket by yourself is insane or the coordination between the two robots doing the rocket has to be perfect.
Also 118 got a rocket solo in quals 30 at el paso

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(As of March 4th, 4am) TBA Shows 16 completed rockets, here’s the 13 you guys posted:
Q43 - Montreal - 4rp
Q62 - Montreal - 4rp
Q26 - Southfield - 3rp
Q62 - Southfield - 4rp
Q95 - Palmetto - 3rp - Video
Q8 - Gainesville - 3rp - Video
Q64 - Orange County - 4rp - Video
Q30 - El Paso - 4rp
Q23 - Gibraltar - 3rp
Q57 - Durham College - 1rp
Q66 - Gibraltar - 4rp
Q55 - Del Mar - 4rp - Video
Q56 - Del Mar - 4rp - Video


Quals 23 at Gibraltar

188 610 7564 just completed a rocket with defense played against them in a LOSS to 7710 4907 5036 at Durham College in Q57. Winning alliance basically played the perfect counter-strategy. Great match.


I had expected this to happen somewhat later in the season. Canadian teams are exceeding expectations, again.


Actually 342, 6366, and one other did it on practice day. Barely and i have no record so no proof, but still we did do it our second practice match late in the day

Quals 11 at Gibraltar also had a fully cycled rocket. Ultimately the mid far hatch fell of and it ended being a 5/5 instead of 6/6.