How many human players?

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knows how many human players there will be per alliance. Will there be only one person feeding the balls into the court, or will there be one from each team? Also, if there is only one, does the player controlling the Kinect in Hybrid also have to be the human player?
Thanks everyone!

2.2.3 The Players
Each FRC team may provide up to four Players for each Match: two Drivers, one Inbounder, and one Coach. The
Drivers must be pre-college student team members and are responsible for operating and controlling the Robot.
The Inbounders must be pre-college student team members and are responsible for entering Basketballs onto the
Court. The Coach may be a student or adult team member. The Coach must wear the designated “Coach” pin or
button during the Match.

3 human players per alliance.

Also, from my understanding, the human player at the kinect station will join the other inbounders after the hybrid period.

"[G33] During Teleop, Players must be within their Alliance Station. Inbounders who were in the Kinect Station during Hybrid must return safely and expediently to their Alliance Station at the start of Teleop. Inbounders must remain behind the Starting Line during the Match. Exceptions will be allowed in cases involving Player safety.
Violation: Foul "

None of this really helps. We want to know if every player on each team can throw the balls onto the field in the last 30 seconds.

From my understanding, since each human player can hold two basketballs, they may all put them back into the playing field. Thus, they may all throw. I did not read anything for an alliance to designate a specific human player to throw the basketballs back in.

But remember, they must throw from their designated corner, and three people throwing at once may not be a good idea. They should probably agree on who can throw the furthest/most accurately. But don’t let my thoughts change any strategy.