How many of you look at the news on the portal

How many of you actually look at the ‘news’ section on the portal? I look at it quite often, and its pretty amazing and inspiring. I was wondering how many of you do. If you don’t then I hope you do start looking at it and keep yourself updated with whats going on at the outside robot world

I had never even noticed the News section till you pointed it out with this poll, it has some pretty neat stuff!


Nice poll, Bharat. If anybody knows of any other interesting RSS/XML feeds that are robotics-related, send them my way and I’ll add them to the news section.

I look at it every now and then, when i remember to look at it that is. Whenever i do though, i always find an interesting story, so i should really start reading it more hehe.

I generally look in there. The portal is really useful to me, because not only do those news stories often inspire new threads and ideas, but it helps to better understand what’s going on and what effects our organization.

Will Chief Delphi ever go RSS?

I saw something about it in Brandons To-Do list.

up until now, I never noticed that there was a news section, thanks for pointing it out, that is pretty great!

FIRSTwiki recent changes in RSS or Atom.

added the FIRSTwiki RSS feed.

i look at the news section all the time cause when there is nothing going on with posts it gives me a reason to get on delphi and look around.