How many points?

In this match, I watched it a few times and they recorded the score as 76 for the blue alliance, although it wouldn’t have changed the outcome, how much do you guys see the score as? I found a few missed possessions and just in general some incorrect scoring and missed scoring, my worry is that it didn’t just happen in this match and it could have happened to other alliances also.

Although it is hard to tell from the video cause it is not the whole field, it looks like both of the blue alliance assist cycles that match were 3 assist not 2 which were counted.

It is a bit hard with switching cameras but I count 3 assists. Was a challenge made? Outcome?

It happened in our 2nd QF and it was an outcome changer. Here is the video of our match: During our 1st cycle if you look closely, the assist lights on the goal flicker form 2 -3 assists as 1065 attempts to finish the cycle.
A ref told me that the 3rd assist was added after the match ended. This is untrue as the score was never changed from the end of the match to the posted score. When our alliance captain challenged this he was told “We do not have time to investigate and the score will stand”.

We lost by 6 points and the assist would have meant an additional 20.

No challenge was made, because the alliance we were on it would not have changed the outcome, and more importantly, I didn’t realize it until now while I was watching some of the matches.

almost all of the matches I watched (in bleachers) I felt had missed assists and some other not fully counted scoring. I’m glad you brought this up, since I thought it was me being overly crazy. . . but I think for future matches we should have a person from each alliance keep their own score and if it doesn’t match it should be challenged . . . all matches are being recorded somehow any ways

In the first cycle, the video does not show 3840 crossing fully into the white zone, so it would stay 2 assists. (They may have in actuality, but I don’t see a shot of it on camera.)

In the second cycle, it would seem reasonable that 3294 got possession in Red around 1:35, but it’s possible that the first assist is actually 3840 (Red or White) and 3294 lost track of the ball before gaining possession in Red. Again, 2 assists (2977 in Blue). Alternatively, it’s possible 3294 did have possession in Red, and it was indeed a 3 assist cycle.

I agree, some parts of it is very hard to see because of the camera. Autonomous appears to be scored correctly, although, the first cycle never was scored. There was a double assist for blue with a one point score, which should be 11 points, but it seemed like they were trying to add the score, but it never was added, it stayed at 55 until the next truss shot was made. Then, if you watch at 1:53, there has been a single assist recorded, then you can see the second robot posses the ball in the middle zone (blue), then throw it over the truss (truss was correctly added to the score), then the third blue robot possessed it in the third zone which the assist was never recorded, so it should have been a 3 assist +1 point score, but it was a double assist recorded.