In the game manual it doesn’t tell us how many power cells the human player can hold before they load it into the loading station. We know that there is a max of 15 power cells but in previous years you could only transfer 1 ball at a time.
If there is no rule about it, then you should assume that the human player can hold as many as he/she wants to hold, and can hold.
H10. POWER CELLS go on the rack. POWER CELLS must be stored on the LOADING BAY racks.
An ALLIANCE making a concerted, good-will effort to transport POWER CELLS from the CORRAL to
a rack or Chute is not in violation of this rule.
The way I personally interpret this rule is a human must place any Powercells on the rack or deliver to field through chute and can not possibly hold multiple unless racks themselves cannot hold more. At which point those extras in hand need to immediately be placed back onto the field. Seems to me at least a human with multiple cells not filling the rack or chute may indeed be a potential rule violation. I believe this rule mostly prevents multiple cell holding human player desires while lagging around waiting (for their alliance to arrive). I see no wording saying power cell storage is human. Its either to the racks or to the chute no in between. this is the way I personally read the rule today. IMO
As a practical matter, I can see how a Human Player can hold 3 at a time and load them into the loading station; one in each hand and one sandwiched between the other two. This also corresponds nicely with the number of high chutes. So, I can easily see how a Human Player could put those 3 balls into the chutes rapidly and efficiently.
I can also see how balls can be transported from the corral to the racks in groups of 3. Unfortunately, this does not lend itself to filling the 7 slots. Essentially, you will have 4 loads of 3 to fill 6 on each tray, and then the last group of 3 you would probably just drop the middle one onto the field through the chute and then put the other 2 (one in each hand) into the two open slots on the rack.
We’ll see if someone can develop a technique where you can handle more than 3 at a time. I can’t picture it at this point, but I also have not tried with our balls.
Last year there was no rule about how many hatch panels a human player could have and I saw several times the human player would push their arm through several hatch panels and move them all in one trip and store them by the loading station.
Also there was no rule last year that said that hatch panels needed to be loaded through the hole. I saw some hatch panels that got introduced onto the field through the cargo chute.
Several teams also used a hatch panel to block a cargo from going down the chute.
None of these were in the rules.
There also were no specific rules behind player station in relation to primary game pieces. There is ONE primary game piece this season and plenty of rules about how it is to be handled.
I think the intent of this rule was to help referees better count how many balls each team had on their side of the glass but it seems to be limiting how many a human player can hold… Probably a good question for Q&A
Most definitely and that would be fair to both alliances , wouldn’t it?
I think teams including mine should spend more time on intake…transport …shooter/dumper/CP /Hang than calculating and gaming the “HP stuff” In My personal Opinion. Its 3/15 points the other way…think.
Teams are encouraged to make it clear to REFEREES that H10 is not violated.
This in every way. Don’t make the Ref’s count, hold as many as you want but make it obvious that you’re not keeping more than 15.
If going to Rack OR to Chute and no dilly dally holding right? At least that dedicated action is what I will tell our HP’s as strategy lead, fouls can really suck the life out of an alliance’s game long effort. I’ve seen it many times , sometimes it makes a big difference . Luckily we usually play a clean game as rules quiz was the first order of business.
If a student places 1/2/3/4 PC’s with “verve” in either Chute or Rack I see that as completely valid. If they are holding PC’s and doing nothing/waiting that is in my mind a prime example of "human storage "of PC’s (and not allowed by the rulebook and may trigger a foul ) IMO as I interpret the rules
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