I’m collecting match data from The Blue Alliance API and was wondering how quickly TBA would update their database with non-qualifier matches. This is mostly so our scouting app can figure out what teams will correspond to the match.
The TBA API seems like it would have qual matches with the teams ahead of time, but I would like to know roughly how long it takes for the tba api to add the teams/alliances from the pick to non-qualifier matches (such as quarters, semis, and finals).
Usually it updates as soon as the field is set. With the move to double elim instead of bracket-style, it might take a bit longer. (Also: it would depend on when FRC databases get updated. Sometimes those are fast, sometimes they’re not. I’ve seen TBA not finish posting event data until a few days after the event is over… but FIRST’s stuff wasn’t updated either, due to lousy connection.)
Edit: Remember that it’s a Double Elimination tournament structure this year. The only matches you’ll know to start are the first 4, and after that it depends on who won/lost the first round matches.