how to add timer in JAVA smart dashboard?
Is there a specific time you are tracking? Remaining match time?
the match countdown from the FMS console
So if you want a match countdown, you are going to have to make a variable that equals the current fms time stamp from the driver station and then subtract that from 2:30. Then you can send that number to the smart dashboard.
Unless you are planning to record the dashboard, there is no reason to do this. The on-field timer is more accurate and more visible to the drivers.
We’ve had some years where the drive team requested some kind of feedback on our driver station that it’s time to consider climbing or whatever the endgame is. Depending on the venue, sometimes the sound is hard to hear at the alliance driver station, or at multi-field DCMPs and Champs, you can get confused hearing the sounds coming from another field.
You’re probably better off just displaying a “START CLIMBING” indicator at the right time.
Sure, but it still requires some kind of logic based on the FMS match time.
I was not actually aware that the match time was part of the FMS info, I was looking for that the other day. Will have a closer look…
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