How to check Falcon 500 state and efficiency?

We’re planning on doing swerve next year, and we have the option of doing falcon or neo motors. We have enough of both, the thing is that the 4 Falcon motors were used during the last two seasons, so we want to make sure they are in a fairly well state to use them.

Is there any way in which we could take care of the Falcons and check their health?


A way to check if a motor is a paperweight is by checking if the kv is accurate

Can you elaborate on this? Since some of our faclons date back to 2019/2020 and we have been using them continuously ever since, id l8ke to have some whay of verifying if they are still RFI.

You can measure/log the free (unloaded) speed and current draw, and compare against the nominal specs or a known good (e.g: new) sample.

How can you do this? Sysid?

Just plot the RPM of the motor when you apply 12V to it. Just do a setvoltage command and put the RPM on smart dashboard. Compare against a good motor.

You can use phoenix tuner and run it at max speed and you can see the current being drawn and velocity and I believe input voltage aswell

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