How to connect limit switches with pwm cables?????!!!!!

:yikes: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh:

Help AnyoNe!!!???:ahh:

if i remember correctly black to the ground on the limit switch (the prong that looks different from the other 2) and white (or signal) to either of the other prongs (depending on which you put it will be normally open or closed) i wired the signal to the prong closest to the ground one.

ok thanks :slight_smile:

Exactly correct: Wire the limit switch to close a contact between GROUND (black wire) and SIGNAL (White wire) on a DIGITAL Input. Depending on the mechanical configuration and whether the swicth is normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) the digital imput will gr from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 when the limit switch is actuated.

Remember, a limit switch is NOT a hard stop - overshooting the motion should not affect or damage the switch. If it will, your design is wrong.
