How to correct district points error

The official district points finally came out today for CHS Blacksburg. When I checked I noticed that the winning alliance members had 5 less points than I was expecting. We should have been given 30 points for elimination wins but where only given 25. I think this stems from the tie we had in one of the matches. We won it because of the first tie breaker.

When I contacted VirginiaFIRST about the error, I was told the points came from FIRST HQ and needed to take it up with them. two questions:

  1. Am I right about the error?

  2. Who should I talk to have this error corrected?

At the bottom of the page there is a section with “manual adjustments” that includes a “tiebreaker adjustment”, giving you total points 5 higher than your event.

  1. See 5.4.4 and

I think each team in your alliance earned one tie and one win in QF2, and advanced to the semis based on tie-breaker criteria in Table 5-3. So you earned 25 playoff round points, for five wins. The tie does not earn any points.

  1. I don’t know.

The tie should definitely count as a win due to tiebreakers. It seems like there may be a bug with how FIRST is dealing with ties in elims, as discussed in this thread.

Along with the same error that team 1086 is having, team 346 did not get the five ranking points for one of our elimination matches that we tied in the blacksburg event. Something seems to be wrong with the site however the temporary tiebreaker score seems to be in an additional section. Oddly, our event score for district points varies between TBA and FIRST Hopefully the issues are resolved soon.

Ok, then I am reading the first sentence of 5.4.4 incorrectly.

(Emphasis mine.)
If each of the first six tie-breaker criteria fails to break the tie, the match is replayed (emphasis mine) – in which case the tie is never recorded, and the replay result is. I think the sentence above should be change to end “… Win or Loss.” Since all Playoff ties are broken, teams cannot earn a tie.

In the admin manual, it states that each team will receive 10 points for each Quarter Final, Semi Final, and Finals levels as long as no substitute robot is called on. Seeing as our alliance (346, 1086, and 2534) won the event, it seems as if we should have gotten the 30 district points for the event. There seem to be a few discrepancies and hopefully they are resolved quickly.