How to deploy code from wifi to crio

i can deploy code via usb but not the dlink
please and thanks

In the Project Explorer window is the Target listed as (roboRIO-3596.local) ?
That address switches automatically between USB and Ethernet.

If you use one of the LabVIEW example projects it will default to ( which is USB only.

Can your Driver Station connect to the roboRIO over wireless?

It is listed as roboRIO-3596.local. i connected to the dlink and i am not getting communications.

Did you setup the DLink using the Bridge Configuration Utility?
That starts the DHCP service used in this year’s networking and sets the SSID of the DLink to your team number.

When you installed the FRC Update the utility was installed at:
C"\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW2014\project\Bridge Configuration Utility

ive tried using the tool but it can’t change the ip “its a error”.

To fix the DLink try:

  1. Power the DLink on
  2. Set the switch on the back of the DLink to 2.4GHz
  3. After the DLink is powered, use a paperclip to press the recessed white Reset button on the back of the DLink and hold it down for a slow count of 10
    *]Connect your laptop to the DLink with an Ethernet cable and try the Bridge Configuration Utility

Bridge configuration in the tool or dlink?

I reworded the steps a little to see if that answers your question.

I got it set up, i had to run as administrator, now how do i get my code to go to the roborio through the dlink?

The USB, net, and wifi communications are interchangeable – provided you are using mDNS. That means you named your roboRIO, turned on DHCP, and set the project target to point to your named roboRIO.

At that point, you can send the code to the roboRIO using the run button of RobotMain. This allows for debugging, probes, and quick edit and rerun.

Once your code is stable, you can open the Build Script, Build, and Run as Startup. This will deploy a built executable that will run as soon as the roboRIO boots.

Greg McKaskle