How to find the weight that climbers can hold

Is there a way to calculate the max weight that your climbers can hold in position without it falling down. We are using the GreyT telescope kit with 20.25:1 gearbox with krakens and we estimate our robot weight to around 95 pounds. We are worried about staying on for 5 seconds after the match ends. Thanks!

Depends on how your hooks work and where you put the climb mechanism on the robot (weight distribution). But your gear ratio is better than my team’s robot had is 2022 and we maxed 125 lbs. :sweat_smile: It been awhile since I took physics, but I’m sure there is a way to calculate an exact approximation.

Solidly mount your climber upside down and hang a robot-mass deadweight (bucket of steel scrap) off of it. Make sure you have a motor that is powered/in brake mode attached to it, and see what happens.