Can someone post a detailed method for removing ALL of the 2013 Windriver C++ install?
I have read a number of posts and followed all the instructions 4 times and cannot get a proper install on my laptop. I know the instructions work because I did it all very carefully again on my desktop and it worked fine. My install procedure is
- 2 DVDs (I have Win 7 Pro x64)
- Update Rev 3622 from
- Install the Workbench Plugin from
What is not working on the laptop is
- The FIRST menu does not show up
- Under the Help menu “Install New Software …” is not there
- What I do have for new software is a Help -> “Find New Software” -> “Update and Install”. When I point it to “” it does add the code but I do not the get the FIRST icons when I right click on a project and click New.
All of these features do work on my desktop, hence my desire to wipe and carefully install everything clean.
Some suggestions I have seen - After using the WindRiver uninstall, remove all these directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InstallShield\Universal\WindRiver
(This does not work for me)
I am at my wits end. Suggestions welcome.