If I change number “6” to “7” => NetworkTableInstance.getDefault().getTable(“limelight”).getEntry(“botpos_wpiblue”).getDoubleArray(new double[7]);
will i get the total latency? or do i have to get the cl and tl individually and then do this => total latency = cl + tl ?
The botpose_wpiblue array has 7 doubles. The value in the 7th position (index 6) is the total latency. They already did the “cl + tl” for you.
From Limelight Docs
The latest images for LImelight publish targeting latency and capture latency in milliseconds. You can access them with the “tl” and “cl” NT keys, or with LimelightHelpers.getLatency_Pipeline() and LimelightHelpers.getLatency_Capture() if you are using Limelight Lib. You can also get the combined latency by accessing the 7th value in the botpose array.