Many teams have info from 111’s scouting system on Soap, but I can’t quite figure out what the numbers mean. Someone care to enlighten me?
Nice catch. I didn’t realize that SO@P was only displaying the numbers. I have sent an email off to them to hopeully correct this.
The first number that you see is the move that the robot attempted, according to WASH. The second is the rating, or how well they did the move. Both of these numbers have corresponding names. See the lists below.
Also, WASH can still use some help at Nationals. If you are interested PLEASE get in contact with me ASAP (or stop by on Thursday)
MoveID Move
0 None
1 Collect Bins
2 Steal Bins
3 Stack Bins
4 Defense
5 Carry Bins Over Ramp
6 Knock Over Bins
7 Score For Opponent
8 Sit On Platform (KOTH)
9 Throw/Shoot Bins
10 Move Bins From Carpet
11 Move Bins From Platform
RatingID Rating
0 None
1 Terrible
2 Poor
3 Average
4 Good
5 Amazing
This was on the laudry list of to-do’s. It’ll have a higher priority tonight and Wed. We’re also behind on digitizing PIT and MO, and adding awards data from most events.
To improve next year we’ve asked WildStang to add to their team’s effort the webpage layout(s) so SOAP can concentrate more heavily on Video, Scoring data, and Stats.
Team 108 - SigamC@T