hi im trying to link a waypoint in pathplanner insted of just writing the x,y of the end point in the last path
does eneyone knows how to do it?
ive tried to link the way point by the name of the path but it didnt work
Hi, welcome to CD!
Friendly people here are always willing to help whenever you need it. But you would still have to take your time and read the documents yourself.
It’s right here
You could use what is stated above, but path planner automatically connects starting and ending paths if they are not aligned exactly. We just put the starting point in the general area it ended at. It does not have to be perfect.
Be aware that this is no longer true for the 2025 version. If you want that to happen you’re going to have to make an on-the-fly path yourself. But, I would recommend just linking up the start/end points since it will prevent regenerating any paths.
Ah I didn’t realize that, sorry.