how to program shooter on LabVIEW

can someone help me with our shooter programming.our robot consist 2 CIM motor connected to the pneumatic tires and we are using jaguar.i tried programming it but it didnt work.:frowning:

Please give more details about what you have tried, possibly even putting up the code or a picture of the code. That will allow others to help you improve rather than telling you how they would do it.

Greg McKaskle

here it is

motor.doc (318 KB)

motor.doc (318 KB)

That will only initialize your drivetrain, not your shooter. To initialize your shooter, do something like you see in the attached picture.

Then, to make the motor run, you need to configure something in your How you come up with a value is up to you, but it should be from -1 to 1 and should be fed into a Set Output vi. (I’ve attached a screenshot.)



If you really do want both of the shooter motors to run as a single unit, you can use a “2 motor Drive” for them. But when you save the RefNum, you should give it a name that describes what it is. The “Left and Right Motors” RefNum name is already being used to set the actual drive motors. Make it “Shooter Motors” instead.

But I would open them as two separate motors instead of a “Drive” pair. If I wanted them to always run at the same speed, I would actually open them as a single motor and use a PWM Y cable to send one control signal to two speed controllers at the same time.