How to properly crimp SB120 contacts?

We spent half an hour using clamps. What is the proper way to crimp them?

You need to get a proper crimp tool, we use this hydraulic crimper.


A hydraulic crimper from amazon or Harbor Freight.
I own this one:


An auto electric shop may crimp some for you - or an industrial battery store:Interstate Batteries. Wear your team shirts and them up for a sponsorship as long as you’re there :crossed_fingers:

We use SB50s but I imagine it’s pretty similar.

We had a hydraulic crimper but switched to the hammer style a few years ago. The hammer crimper does more of a “fold” versus a hydraulic crimper which sort of tries to crush concentrically, but with only one axis of movement the crimp starts to squish out the side. Can’t say objectively if it’s better but we’ve had good results.

TEMCo Hammer Lug Crimper Tool - Crimps 8 AWG to 4/0 Battery & Welding Cables (Workbench-Mountable)