Our team doesn’t have a PSI tester that goes below 10, and we are wondering what is the most accurate way to test PSI while we wait for an actual scale to arrive?
For now, I’m going with a bounce test. A drop from 3 ft is supposed to bounce back to 2ft 1in to 2ft 6in. I’m letting air out until they fit that range. I would guess that’ll be the quick test of the cargo during field reset.
I can’t imagine you’ll be waiting too long, and given the nominal, variable nature of the pressure, a few days of use with the game piece without checking the pressure shouldn’t be of major consequence.
We don’t have a pressure tester. but the balls seem to be strong and would likely hold up to a little bit of over inflation. We use this Lufkin Diameter Tape Measure and warped it around the seam and inflated it until it was the right diameter.
I stopped by the sporting goods store and bought this pump/gauge set today. It works just fine. The gauge is a low pressure type, so it was easy for a student to set the pressure in the Cargo at 3.5 PSI.
If you live in another country, you may be able to find something similar, from a different source.
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