Our human player has been practicing, and is able to reliably get the tubes 3/4 across the field (at minimum). He is jumping and throwing them over the top of the alliance station.
If you look at the Robonauts’ robot, you can see that 35s in, their human player is throwing around the alliance station.
I’ve looked in the rules, and the only thing I can see that that violates is G36: "GAME PIECES may not be intentionally placed out of bounds. "
Would you agree with me, or is this something that we can do; since it would make throwing the tubes slightly easier.
I would disagree, and say further that if the Robonauts (or any other team) does that in competition, it will be a penalty. <G57> explicitly states that tubes cannot be thrown around the side of the Feeder Station. That rule, as far as I can tell, has not been changed since Kickoff.
I would suggest not throwing tubes “discus-style”, instead throwing them vertically. You’ll have a bit more success that way.
However, if you’re throwing tubes, I don’t think you’re executing the optimal strategy for this game, in my opinion. You’ll want to carefully consider it.
Questionable. It looked like a corner went over the top while the rest went over the “around the side” area. I don’t think a corner over the top quite counts as being over the top. That’s one that could go either way.
At 42 seconds, try to get the tube showing up as it goes past the wall. That looks a lot more legal; there’s wall on both sides. Admittedly it’s awful close to the top of the wall, but still has a lot of carry.
If I was a referee, I’d issue a caution or maybe a penalty on the first throw and nothing on the second throw. Note that I’m not a referee.
The throwing style doesn’t matter. What matters is going over the top of the station (or through the slot), not around the side of the wall, and getting the tube to where it needs to be without somebody on the other alliance intercepting. How you do that is up to you.
I think what we need is for the GDC to confirm what “around the side” means. Using common sense, I would think that it means that the tube is thrown entirely around the side of the wall, which makes all of 118’s throws entirely legal.
Hmm looking at that throw, it may be legal. I think it would just come down to how observant/what angle the judge is at. Personally, if you want to get the tubes to roll, tomahawking them might just be best. Also, I think between throwing to the side/at an angle, and putting your hands/fingers through the feeder station, I think we’re gonna see plenty of penalties coming from HPs this year.
Actually, i think common sense would tell you that any part of it cannot go around the side. so basically, if you added a side wall, it could not touch that wall. But, it’s a good Q for the Q&A. (Oh boy, Team Update #14 :o )
If you were to lean a triangle tube up against the field border, let’s say on the inside, and the top corner was over the field border, is the tube now outside the field? Would you say the same if the tube was suspended in the air by some means, say an updraft, and not otherwise moving?
Now let’s put the tube on the outside leaning up against the wall, same conditions otherwise. Is it now inside the field? How about if it’s suspended?
<G57> During the TELEOPERATED PERIOD, FEEDERS may enter LOGO PIECES onto the FIELD by using the FEEDING SLOTS or by throwing the LOGO PIECE over the top of the FEEDER STATION wall. LOGO PIECES may not be thrown around the side of the FEEDER STATION wall. Violation: PENALTY
Does “over the top” mean at least 6.5 feet in the air? Then we’re OK. Does “may not be thrown around the side” mean below 6.5 feet in the air, hooked around the end of the WALL? Then these throws are still OK.
It’s questionable if the rule means the tube cannot ever be outside the vertical projection of the edge of the STATION WALL, even if the tube is higher than the WALL. That’s what has to be determined.
My advice? Without a definitive ruling of what “around the side” means, make it obvious that the tube goes “over the top”. Don’t make questionable throws.
one feeder wont be able to throw like that anyway unless they are left handed. the other person might be able to pull off a side arm trow, but i think tossing over the top and letting it roll is a better solution. if your HP has enough skill i think circles and maybe squares will be thrown, triangles should be held.
We have done tests, and we came to the conclusion that a vertical throw and letting it roll is the best solution in regards to throwing tubes. The circle rolls like a circle should role, the square can actually get to the far side of the field this way, and the triangle is too inconsistent to be thrown without the concern of having it go into the opponents feeder stations. A recommendation is to just put through the slot and have it land near the tower, but still within the feeder station boundaries.
The video of 118’s human player seems to be throwing the tube between the line of the known Legal and ?? areas. What the rules say should be taken as written unless otherwise noted in a “spirit of the rule” clarifacation. Therefore while I’d rather side with the throw being legal, seeing as it takes the tube must use more space beyond the complete vertical “above the player station wall”, the throws seen would be illegal at least in my eyes. I see this rule getting a week 1 clarifacation.
However, this being a thread about throwing tubes, the worst way to throw a tube is to “push it” forward. They need to be thrown, almost with a whipping action.
Also, the thought of tubes crashing into each other mid-flight from two opposite sides of the field sounds awesome.