how to UNINSTALL Windriver...?

This may seem like a stupid question.

I am by no means new to computers(I have an AS in Computer Science), however, I can’t seem to figure out how this is done. I have Windriver Workbench installed on my Laptop(running Win7) and am in need of freeing some hard drive space. I have searched through Add/Remove Programs and have found NI software(Labview, etc.) and NetBeans IDE, but don’t see Windriver anywhere.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions, I’ll be glad to answer those as well.

Thanks in advance

You can’t…

Really though it was kinda obscure…
It appears there is an uninstaller that just doesn’t have a shortcut. For me its located in “C:\WindRiver\maintenance\mtool\misc\uninstaller\Wind_River_Workbench_3_0”

thanks… that helped a little I guess…

I found multiple uninstallers, all of which seemed to remove some files. However, they left the entire Windriver folder structure in place. I think the best fix for this now is to delete the folder structure and running a registry scan to remove the orphaned keys.

Any suggestions?

Load the image backup you made just prior to installing it :slight_smile:


You ran all of the uninstallers in the uninstaller folder? One of them looks like it should have uninstalled Wind River… I’d test it, but I don’t want to have to install Wind River again.

If you did run all the installers, then you can try Revo uninstaller, it has an unistall mode where it will look for leftover registry keys and folders and allow you to delete them

haha you mean the system restore point from last January? idts lol

yeah I ran them all… barely seemed to do anything… I just deleted the entire C:\windriver folder structure and ran the registry scan… found a few but I’d hardly call it a complete and simple uninstall lol