Does anyone know how to update an FRC Radio because I tried following the steps on vivid hosting and my radio won’t update or connect to my robot anymore. This is what my Vivid hosting looks like.
I believe the listing at the bottom indicates that you already have updated it.
You can double check by going to the /status page of the radio to check its version.
I think you are right. But drivers station is still not getting communications.
Do you have a second radio connected to the driver station laptop configured to connect to the robot?
No, I do not
To use the wifi6e of the new radios, you need a second one and to utilize one of the configurations on the linked page.
There is a 2.4ghz radio, but as the robot radio heats up it drops performance and teams have reported issues with the 2.4ghz channel.
So far none have reported issues to my knowledge after completing their setup and moving to the 6ghz channel as the documentation recommends.
When you upload firmware, the radio IP resets to You’ll need to set up the team number and network again.