How to use it(grip tool source (HTTP、networktable、classifier file))

There are 7 kinds of grip tool’s source, they are images, Webcam, IP camera, HTTP, Network Table, classifier file.I know how to use images、webcam、IP camera,but I don’t know how to use of HTTP, Network Table, classifier file.Can you give me an example?Or where is the corresponding tutorial for my reference?

Sure! Let’s go backwards.


The Classifier input is used with the Cascade Classifier step to perform object detection using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers. These classifiers are xml files with description of the features to search for. Here is a link to the OpenCV documentation and here is a link to some example classifiers that you might find fun. I used the frontalface_default in the image below.


The NetworkTable input can be used to bring in Numbers, Strings, and Booleans into the pipeline via NetworkTables. This is useful when there are values that you want to tune on the field via Shuffleboard or SmartDashboard or you want to let the robot control. Here is an example of controlling the “Radius” parameter of the Blur operation via NetworkTables.


The HTTP input is used to upload image frames via HTTP POST request to the specified path. This can be used if you have a custom camera or some other frame provider that can easily send the frames in a POST request. Here is a sample of that input in use with a cURL command to send the frame.


thanks,but i can’t find regions of interest.can you give me some tested images?

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