How to use Signal Logger/SysID

Hello! This is the programming team for FRC team 9059 speaking.

After building our swerve drive base and using Phoenix Tuner X’s swerve project generator, we are now trying to tune our PID gains.

We’ve found that SysID/Signal Logger will likely be our way to go, but are confused on how to operate it and send data to it.

We have attempted to create a function to send the data (quasistatic and dynamic), but it causes the motors to roughly interact with the gears in the module.

Help would be appreciated!

Phoenix Tuner X’s swerve project generator automatically creates SysId routines for drive and steer:

Simply use the defined controller bindings to run the tests. Run the four drive tests and the four steer tests in two different log files. Make sure each log file contains ONLY the four respective tests (redeploy your code right before you run the tests). The tests will be in /home/lvuser/logs if there is no flash drive on your roboRIO or simply in the logs folder of the flash drive if there is. Once you have obtained the correct log file (file extension .hoot), convert it to a .wpilog log. If you have trouble using Phoenix Tuner X to do so, refer to this thread: Can't Convert .hoot Log to .wpilog - #18 by daltzsmith

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