How to use talon's configsupplycurrentlimit()

During the test of our robot, l find that when l turn on my shooter’s motor (2 falcon), the intake motor (one falcon), the tunnel motor (one falcon) and the blocker motor (1 falcon) together, some of the motors won’t spin. For instance, when l turn on the shooter’s motor, and wait for the shooter to get to a specific speed, and then it will turn on the blocker automatically. However, the blocker isn’t turned on. l am sure that this is not a problem of my code since some time earlier, all the things just work very well. But just after a few hours or may be a few minutes and l haven’t changed any of my code, the motor will behave differently.

After reading some related document, l guess that this problem may be related to the currentlimit. Since when l open these motors, including the tunnel motor, blocker motor and the intake motor, l use set(PercentOutput, 1) for all and l didn’t set anything to limit the motor, l just create them with an PortID.

In order to solve this problem, l am wondering how to set the supply current limit
on the falcon and do l also need to do the can utilization? Additionally, what else should l config to make this motors do the easy work smoothly?

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