How will your team hang?

Worth a whopping 90 points and 1 RP, triple climb (er…double climb and levitate) will require perhaps more collaboration than other aspects of Power Up. How is your team planning on fitting in to a “triple climb”? I hope the results of this can help teams ensure they can collaborate with other teams at their events.

Until there is an official Q&A answer on it, I’m suggesting to my team that we use a ramp similar to what was seen in 2007 to get 2 robots the climb bonus and using levitate to score the third climb for ourselves.

Not even 12 hours into build season?

I want to see if anyone copies 118’s 2016 climber- it’s the coolest mechanism I’ve ever seen and it makes sense this year because of how little bar space it takes up.

Just Don’t.

The thing was insanely cool, but I don’t recall it actually working that well. For the amount of space it took up, it was great and worth the chance, but probably not what you want to look at for consistency.

I love the reasoning here. “Dont.” Really justifies itself.

For real though, id love to hear your reasoning why, Dan had a pretty good one.

I agree that it was a cool mechanism, and 118 wasnt the only team to deploy grappling hooks for a similar end game so it’s definitely doable, but with no low bar this year, there’s little reason to keep to such a small packaging for reaching the Rung.

Really, Just don’t… Tall robots are a thing this year, use height to your advantage. There are plenty of simple ways to climb without using a highly difficult to execute mechanism. Videos do not give justice to how much thought and testing went into their grappling hook.

We built a copy in off season and throughout 2 off season competitions it got a 100% success rate.

Not that guy, but I’ll give you my 2 cents: 118 is among the most mechanically capable teams in the world. Their ability to create intricate, yet effective mechanisms is unrivaled. Yes, there are other teams that are generally better than them, but they are consistently a top 1% team, and generally they are the most mechanically sophisticated robot in that very exclusive category. Even 118 couldn’t get that thing to be as consistent as a normal climbing mechanism. I’m not speaking for any team, but if 118 can’t make a mechanism work well, I’m not touching it with a 10 foot pole.

My goal there was to get him to actually explain his reasoning instead of just leaving a snarky comment that did nothing to help other readers understand why. This is all good stuff though.

Our team is gunning to be the second climber. Climbing up with the whole bar to yourself is not exactly easy, but easily achievable. Climbing with a robot already on the bar is a challenge. If we can reliably climb on another robot, even if you get and mediocre or lower alliance, 2 robots should climb and we can press levitate.

Some interesting responses here.


Hoping for ramp bots? Or just trolling? Hmm…

I’m curious as to what improvements (if any) you made. If it was an exact copy, it begs the question of why was your success rate so much higher than theirs?

What about this idea…
climb is defined as having your teams bumper above the blocks… and being on the scale…
the platform is technically part of the scale…
Can you build a robot that basically lifts itself so that the bumpers are above the blocks and you are situated on the platform of the scale…

No, see G07 and R24 of the bumper rules.