How You Guys Doin'?

Where are you guys with your builds? 1699 is about to finish installing all of our wheels, and building the claw…

IM PUMPED!!!:smiley:

We had our robot up and running yesterday with autonomous and tethered modes. Getting real close to testing the hurdling aspect. But now we will be tearing some things down and tweaking components. The programmers, chassis team and controls team all cane through and did an awesome job.

Not bad, we got a chassis 90% finished, all we need is to take it apart, do some secret stuff to make it uber strong, then put it back together. We have 2 out of 3 hybrid codes tested and debugged on our plybot, our hurdler is finished being designed, our lift is in assymably, and we have a few idea for a grabber. Our bot is 32% to 40% done.

Congrats on this accomplishment. Out of curiosity, how big is your claw going to be and how much torque do you think that you will need to lift a 10 lb. ball? Good Luck

The claw wil be about 30" long (about) on either side, and window motors will close around the ball with rollers (to allow it to roll without rolling away). We will not be lifting the ball. We will be herding.