I’m the first post here! Who-ho!
Anyway, my question is how is the current handeling of the “War on Terror” going?
it would be alot better if we could get Osama!
Not to say I dont care, But I dont pay attention to it.
How many civilians do you think we killed in the massive bombings. I believe we killed 2000 to 3ooo civilians and maimed over 5000 people. Every day a child picks up a cluster bomblet and blows themselves up. I don’t understand why our terror is better than their terror?
Maybe we should design robots to get all the cluster bomblets the US left all over the place!!
Yea, but the Taliban ALWAYS over exadurates on things. Remeber the reported 20-30 thousand soldures on day, and after the bombing, they said they had 60-70 thousand after the bombing began! Thank god their gone! Now their people don’t have to be reppressed.
about the bomblets we are cleaning those up, and were cleaning up the ones the russians left behind, and the ones the Taliban left behind. Were also training Afganies in techniques and giving them equipment to prefor that task by themselves. And in a country where it is hard to have a job we are creating ones for them.
Afganistan was already one of the most heavily mined contries.
Another reason to question authority and just belive in what they say, they might end up getting your county bombed…
I don’t want to sound heartless, but there is no such thing as a perfect war. One civilan at one point will become a casulty. The numbers of people we kill in Afghanistan are greatly exaggerated, however. I do not believe we have killed that many.
I dunno, I haven’t been paying any attention to the news lately about it.
Do not make an opinion before you read heavily on it.
Most of the bombs left behind are indeed the Russian’s.
Afghanistan is indeed already heavily mined. Why cry tragedy now?
I’m more worried over the Israel/Palestine conflict.
notice the dates on that convo, the problems in plaistine were not as intense as they are currently.