human player or robot?

here a question, so what more important to win a match? Your team robot that can score most of the points and ok a human player, or have good robot that scores some of the points and have a great human player that makes almost all the moon rocks he or she gets there hands on.

so leave a post on what you think is more important.

a good robot that scores some points and a really good HP who scores every moon rock he/she touches. (that’s pretty much our robot and HP though :wink: )

Both are very important,

Human players are more avoidable in my view, but when you run away from them that means your more open to robots.

No where is safe in this game. :smiley:

If you scout the human players and find a real good one, you note where he is and stay away. Problem solved.

If the other team had an ace human player that could truly make anything they touch, then i would have the entire alliance play on one side of the field.

Robots can move the goals. Payload Spec1a11sts cannot.

Robots +1.

ok than so its depends on the team?

I think its more: Take what you can get. If you got a good hp use it. If your bot is awesome, thats good too.

A robot must be moving (the goals/trailers) otherwise, I find the PS to be more important.

I think humans can be more deadly in this game than the robots are. I know my team has a basic autonomous that when started from the middle position can pin another robot right in front of the sitting shooter. And though this is personal experience (and I’m fairly proud of this) I know I can unload all 20 of my balls within the 15 second autonomous period and make at least 17 of them. That is a 34+ point lead right from the beginning and coming back from that kind of impact is difficult. I noticed though that many players didn’t even consider shooting as fast as I did even if there was a robot pinned in front of them. So I really see shooters as vital for the autonomous period, anytime a robot is pinned and scoring super cells because I haven’t seen many robots score a super cell.

Is that really a good strategy? If an alliance finds itself in an unsurmountable hole, it may force a <G14> situation.

I would argue that the robot that can reliably and repeatedly win the traction battle and pin any opponent to the outpost wall would be the more valuable part of the alliance in this case.

And such dominating robots are much rarer than human sharpshooters this year…

I realize that they are rare but if you have one then take advantage of it. And since the wall is only 4ft high the sitting shooter doesn’t have to put much effort into shooting. I have absolutely no shooting ability though I was capable of accurately making a lot of shots. I think if you can learn to get them over the wall just enough then there isn’t much effort put in by the shooter other than how fast he/she can throw shots. My arguement about the <G14> is that I don’t think super cells are used enough. I know that going into the 3rd match of the quarterfinals, our opponents had a <G14> from the second match and it didn’t make much of an impact on their abilities. All in all I believe that if you can pin during autonomous in the manner that I explained before, then you can create a good lead that can potentially give you what you need for a win. Also if you are concerned about losing empty / super cells due to a <G14> you can always add some cells into your trailer so you have less than double the score of your opponent.

This has been discussed in many threads. It would seem that the CD community is split on the GP of this strategy.

I’m not saying I support the strategy I’m just saying that you can use it. Personally I don’t see super cells being used as much as I feel that they should be used so I don’t worry as much about the penalty. And if you don’t feel like filling your trailer just watch the score and stop shooting when you are getting close to double the score. I think not shooting is a little bit more respectable than scoring on yourself.

Sorry, wasn’t trying to imply that. I just saw a possible random debate starting. Thought I’d stop it before it started.

It’s fine

TO be honest I think th e importance of them is equal and both could do an effecient job at scoring well. But I think that it’s almost unfair, because I think that the robot should have more importance then the human players… What do you guys think?

Better to have a G14 than a loss. G14’s can affect the outcome of a match (I recall one match at the Palmetto regional where our human player got a empty cell, but we had a double G14 so no super cells, he scored the empty, but we lost by half a dozen points or so), but in many matches super cells are not used. I imagine they will be in play more frequently at the Championship, but it’s still important to know what teams you’ll be facing and when. If in your next match your alliance partners never use super cells, it might not matter so much if you pull the G14 in the current one.

The human player needs more balls and empty cells from the robot, the robot needs the balls thrown on the field by the human players.