human player or robot?

This is an interesting problem. One alliance was more HP oriented at 10,000 Lakes’s eliminations and we ended up losing partly because of that underestimation. There have been times when one could rely on an HP in desperation to handle scoring (say you’re facing Winnovation and need to pin them), and having a great HP would be beneficial.

I’d say second pick should primarily be based on HP.

I think a good combination of both makes a winning combination. i hope FIRST has more competitions where human players are needed just as much as robots

I would have to disagree. I disliked the heavy role that human players have in Lunacy. I mean, it is a ROBOTICS competition. When human players have an equal role, I feel it detracts from the competition overall. That being said, I’m not opposed to human players, I just feel the robot should be in a very dominant role, doing a large majority of scoring, etc.