Human Player Question-Low Bar & Ball

Im not seeing anything in the rules about this but if our human player can roll the ball with force could they roll it straight through the low bar. I know there is a rule about how robots cannot hold that flap open but does that mean a player can roll the ball through there. If so that seems like a viable strategy for a human player to pass a ball to their robot for cherry pick shooting. if anyone knows if this is a rules violation please let me know.

The ball wont be able to lift the flap with the weight of the pipe in the bottom of the flap.

Ive been watching some of the week 0 events and it was super close to doing it. I mean if it did make it through would that be allowed?

IF it made it through… Probably. There’s no rule against it.

But the GDC is good. I spent a few minutes when no robots were on the field today trying to KICK a ball through. Couldn’t do it from the Embrasures. Just plain couldn’t do it, it stopped at the curtain.

There’s an ongoing discussion regarding the low bar flap in itself, which seemed to get permanently rolled over the bar after a few robots went through it. Theoretically, the ball could go through the low bar in a situation like this, where there would be no obstruction to the boulder. Normally, the low bar flap is definitely far too heavy to allow a boulder through at the distance it’s at from the human player station. The other thing that you have to take into account is the border of the secret passage, which could possibly cause boulders to deflect away from the low bar.