Human players scoring

I read the rules but didn’t see if the Human players scoring is also limited to “only when the alliance is offense” or can they score when the alliance is also on defense?
I suppose the air will be filled with flying balls at the end of each match as humans will be throwing everything they have before time runs out - and with most teams trying to get on the ramp it will probably be as good a time as any for a clear shot at the corner goals.
Once enough missed balls are scattered about, the probability of not hitting a ball on the ground will be pretty low, but it will be fun to see all those balls flying about.

I believe when the alliance is on defense, their goals are turned off so any ball is (intentionally or otherwise) scored, it is not counted.

When the green light above those goals is lit, those goals are active.

4.2.2A match is 2 minutes and 10 seconds long. An AUTONOMOUS PERIOD starts the match, which lasts 10 seconds. Following AUTONOMOUS PERIOD, there are 2 minutes of tele-operated game play, which are broken up into three 40-second periods. There may be a short pause between AUTONOMOUS PERIOD and the start of the tele-operated periods as the players stations are activated. The SECOND PERIOD and THIRD PERIOD are offense/defense, where only one ALLIANCE can score. During the FINAL PERIOD, both ALLIANCEs can score.

<G02> SECOND PERIOD - The ALLIANCE with the highest score at the end of AUTONOMOUS PERIOD will play on defense during the SECOND PERIOD. In the event of a tie at the end of AUTONOMOUS PERIOD, the ALLIANCE playing on defense during SECOND PERIOD will be chosen at random. Any balls scored in the defensive ALLIANCE’s goals (opposite their DRIVER’s station) during this period will not be counted.

It’s in Section 4 - The Game

And they’ll have to throw it with everything they have. Almost 60 feet is kinda hard with a Poof ball, and after the second bounce any possible accuracy is lost (the balls roll funny, they are unbalanced).


Its gonna be rare for an HP to make a 54 foot shot over a 6 foot wall into a 10" goal with a 7" in ball, but it wont cost ya at the end of matches to try for it.

Thanks for the clarification on the scoring - Alliance does mean both robot and human, and the scoring only when the green light is on does indeed make sense.
Just to let ya know, we mocked up a goal and tried out throwing the ball 60 feet or more to observe the dynamics. Man o man, that is a long throw but with alot of practice I believe that the humans will score - as long as the path is clear and they can settle the ball into a rolling motion rather than a bouncing one.
It’s gonna be really hard to practice in an environment that allows the diagonal throw - all we could come up with is a long narrow corridor and the darn ceiling kept getting in the way!

They may very well be throwing at the center goal by mistake - but I’m certain that the outcome of th match won’t change because the humans cannot score in the middle goal (the balls don’t count if thrown in by a human) - humans can ONLY score in the lower goals - but I’m sure some of them will get confused and excited at the end and they may try throwing at it.

Actually, IF a human makes it into the center, it costs the alliance 5 points per ball, for a net gain of -2 points per ball that makes it.

If that turns out to be the case, the human player responsible will find him/herself to be suddenly very unpopular. (A ball scored in the center goal by a human player earns the alliance a five point penalty.)

I guess you gotta start training your human players early… get them to get those long low shots in. :rolleyes:

Good luck to all of this years human players.

Otherwise, leave it to the bot to score. :slight_smile:

Not quite accurate. The ball does not count and there is a 5 point penalty. Therefore -5 points.

Watch out guys!
Ashley is a dodgeball champion and can nail the lower goals without even bouncing the ball off the floor…he, he, he

By the way, here’s a good math question:
If the robot can only toss the ball at a max. of 12 meters per second and that results in about a 35 foot trajectory, then how fast does a human player have to toss the ball to make it all the way to the other end of the field and score in a lower “mouse hole” without bouncing along the floor?

And, the human player has to do all that while getting high enough to get his/her arm over the wall…wow…

Now I wish that I was on one of those teams that happens to have some oddly tall 7 ft person. Anyone of that description want to join my team? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say human players definently should train, myself included. I may be human player this year an i’m short, so i’m gonna need my practice. :smiley:

<G33> HUMAN PLAYER Shooting Zone - The HUMAN PLAYER must remain behind the STARTING LINE
and within the ALLIANCE ZONE when they are entering a ball onto the field. Each violation will result
in a 5-point penalty.

Is the human player allowed to reach over this line, but not step over it, or not break the plane at all.

I’m only 6’ tall, but often referred to as odd - does that count? :wink:

sounds like a technicality, post it to the Q&A. I believe FIRST is usually good about touching the area beyond the line or breaking the plane.

I’m 6’7", and I’d love to help out on you’re team, but unfortunately, I’m already taken.
By the way, our team is undecided on whether to have me as human player, or a baseball player, because I have moderate accuracy, but am higher than the wall, whereas if we were to recruit an outfielder, they would be very accurate, but may not be taller than the wall. So there are some strategic choices to make when choosing you’re human player.

Human player must throw from behind the line. You have to reach over to get the balls, and you may want to step forward to check on just where your robot is. So the only restriction is not throwing from in front of it.

Well… human players scoring sound kind of unlikely. I really think they should stick to getting the ball back onto the field, perhaps into a robot. It’s actually the skill of the human player, tallness may or may not be a factor. We’re actually thinking about borrowing one of our school’s basketball player (the aim and shooting thing), but I think the baseball player would probably make more sense. And training really really helps if you’re going to try to make it to the goal.