Humanoid Robotics Independent Study/North Caroilna Robotics Companies

Hey Everybody!
Next semester i am participation in an independent study towards humanoid robotics, and I’m really psyched. It will be part research and part prototyping (based on random ideas i have). I thought it would be fun if i could organize a visit to some company that works with robots (or has some sort of robots project currently going on) and visiting them. Of course, i would have to okay it with my school and find out if that company is interested anyway. My question for all of you is: Do you know of any companies (preferably in NC) that have robotics projects? I know Honda has ASIMO but i don’t know if my local branch has anything to do with it. They don’t have to be humanoid robots but it would be even better if they were.

Let me know!

iRobot has an office in Durham. They acquired a company there that did underwater autonomous robotics, so it doesn’t seem likely that they are doing humanoid robotics.

Probably worth checking out.

Thanks. That might be perfect, and it turns out my dad has a contact there! Thanks a lot.