It was a long four nights of Survivor Hotel Addition, and I outlasted, outwitted, and outplayed to Survive to tell our story.
It all started on a cold night when we first reached the Hyatt after a long day of traveling. With only peanuts and a turkey sandwich in our stomachs we trudged up the steps to the Hyatt to be astounded by the beautiful atrium and pretty elevators. However, it was not as it seemed–we had no idea what was ahead of us.
The first night was normal enough; the room was nice, but even smaller than the hotel room in Silicon Valley at the Clarion Inn. We were also expecting bathrobes like it said in the brochures, but there were no bathrobes (PacificSunChica was quite distraught). But the beds made up for this minor set back. The beds were definitely heavenly–very pillowy.
One night down three more to go. The second night we get back to realize that the Hyatt rooms do not have refrigerators or microwaves…I mean even the Clarion had them. This meant no burnt popcorn and no where to put our left-overs from the Spaghetti Wherehouse. This was a problem. We thought for hours on end to solve this major problem. Answer: we took our ice box, filled it with ice, and ta-da instant refrigerator–oh yeah, future engineers here
Two nights down two more to go. The third night was definitely a crisis. We get back to the hotel around 9:30 and to find we have a huge urge to go to the pool. I mean we all brought our swimsuits and even had one of those fun blow-up balls that team 364 (i think) gave us. However, we encounter another problem: the pool is not working!! I mean come on, it’s almost summer and the pool isn’t working–is California the only place where pools function year-round? LOL…so we are back in our rooms playing a bit of crazy taxi and a really cool shooting game on our dreamcast, when I’m overcome with thirstiness. Now, the Hyatt does have water bottles on the table, but they are for sell… and guess how much? FOUR DOLLARS–yeah right, like I’m going to pay four dollars for a water bottle. Answer (or at least we thought): just drink tap water from the bathroom sink; however this posed an even bigger problem. Yes, the water was definitely not clear… it was more of a cloudy white… i mean if it was more white it could have past for milk. So I flop down in the chair about to die from thirst when (I’m getting pretty desperate here) I come up with the idea to pour the water from the water bottles into a cup then refill the water bottle with the tap water. At first this was a good idea but one of my fellow survivors said they’d probably notice the seal is broken…so that idea was scratched. Final Solution: boil the tap water. Yes, we actually boiled the tap water because we had one of those coffee makers…so, yeah, that kinda worked. Noticed later that we could have just melted ice Awertygraut!
Three days down one more to go. The fourth day was the most frightening day of our lives. I fall asleep to be awake by a fellow survivor, PacificSunChica, screaming, “There is a cockroach in the bathroom! Kill it! Kill it!” By this time, I couldn’t believe all these happening… I mean this is the Hyatt! So I sleepishly walk over to see a humungous cockroach this big l____________________l OMG! It was huge. Now, I’m not a bug type person so we wake up the other survivor (whom hates bugs about ten times more than me). I suggest just closing the bathroom door to lock it in but they are totally freaked so alphagrl2 picks up a coat hanger and PacificSunChica picks a water bottle (*side note: Where was this water bottle when I needed it? hmmmm…) So by this point the cockroach had disappeared and was hiding somewhere in the bathroom. So they went searching, when after a few minutes I hear a scream and the two of them come running out of the bathroom. So seeing at this rate we were never going to get this bug out of our room, we ran out into the hall to find our fellow 692 teammates. They got a shoe (what a concept ) and smashed it about ten time before it wasn’t moving anymore…I mean this was one fast cockroach. Also on the fourth night, PacificSunChica’s bed was taken over by someone who shall not be named, so she was forced to sleep at the end of the bed. Two hours later at 2:30 am we awoke to leave for our flight back home.
We survived: outlast, outplay, and outwit. Too bad we didn’t get all this on tape since CBS denied us of our wonderful version of Survivor. Well, until next year!
(any other Survivor Hotel Additions?)