I Calibrated, now what!

I am having problems getting the cam to pan/tilt for the light. When I load the code using IFI loader the terminal does not say… searching… and the servos do not move. I am sure I have the pwm’s set correctly. I have not done anything to the “bells and whistles” version of the code. Am I supposed to do something with the calibration values I found and the code? For clarification, my question is:

What do I do after I have calibrated the vision sensor. :confused:

I’m having the same problem :frowning:

Try using the completely, dead-default camera code. Download the zip file from Kevin’s site, unzip in a new location, and send the hex file to the controller without modifying anything. That will probably fix your problem.

You did not mention anything about the TTL port connections done properly. Make sure that is done properly and the code should work right out of the box if you have the green light.