I can't deploy my code on my roboRIO

This is what appears on terminal when i try deploy the code

Starting a Gradle Daemon, 4 incompatible and 2 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details

Task :discoverroborio
Discovering Target roborio
Using admin@roborio-8882-FRC:22 for target roborio

Task :deployprogramKillroborioroborio
-C-> md5sum /usr/local/frc/bin/frcKillRobot.sh @ /home/lvuser
-[0]-> 001696b0412c36f7be0c868ad493d16a /usr/local/frc/bin/frcKillRobot.sh

Skipping redeploy of frcKillRobot script
-C-> . /etc/profile.d/natinst-path.sh; /usr/local/frc/bin/frcKillRobot.sh -t 2> /dev/null @ /home/lvuser

Task :deployrobotCommandfrcJavaroborio
-C-> echo '/usr/local/frc/JRE/bin/java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Djava.lang.invoke.stringConcat=BC_SB -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/frc/third-party/lib -jar “/home/lvuser/CommandRobot - Copia.jar” ’ > /home/lvuser/robotCommand @ /home/lvuser
-C-> chmod +x /home/lvuser/robotCommand; chown lvuser /home/lvuser/robotCommand @ /home/lvuser

Task :deployjrefrcJavaroborio
-C-> if [[ -f “/usr/local/frc/JRE/bin/java” ]]; then echo OK; else echo MISSING; fi @ /tmp
-[0]-> OK

-C-> opkg list-installed | grep openjdk @ /tmp
  -[0]-> frc2024-openjdk-17-jre - 17.0.9u7-3 - FRC OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment

Searching for JRE 17.0.9u7-3
Found JRE frc2024-openjdk-17-jre - 17.0.9u7-3 - FRC OpenJDK Java Runtime Environment
JRE Is Correct Version
Artifact skipped

Task :deployfrcJavaroborio
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\build\libs\CommandRobot - Copia.jar → CommandRobot - Copia.jar @ /home/lvuser

Task :deployfrcStaticFileDeployroborio
-C-> mkdir -p SwerveModules @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\backright.json → SwerveModules/backright.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\pidfproperties.json → SwerveModules/pidfproperties.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\swervedrive.json → SwerveModules/swervedrive.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\frontleft.json → SwerveModules/frontleft.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\frontright.json → SwerveModules/frontright.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\backleft.json → SwerveModules/backleft.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\physicalproperties.json → SwerveModules/physicalproperties.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\src\main\deploy\SwerveModules\controllerproperties.json → SwerveModules/controllerproperties.json @ /home/lvuser/deploy

Task :deployfrcJavaroborio FAILED

Task :deploynativeZipsfrcJavaroborio
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\build\tmp.cache\expanded\zip_9cca7e709dab4756e3bcba13561b8889\linux\athena\shared\libopencv_java480.so → libopencv_java480.so @ /usr/local/frc/third-party/lib
-F-> C:\Users\userlab\Downloads\CommandRobot - Copia\build\tmp.cache\expanded\zip_434fed65548a3742e455072c39aa6102\linux\athena\shared\libapriltag.so → libapriltag.so @ /usr/local/frc/third-party/lib

Task :deploynativeZipsfrcJavaroborio FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:deployfrcJavaroborio’.

A failure occurred while executing edu.wpi.first.deployutils.deploy.artifact.ArtifactDeployWorker
4: Failure

  • Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org.

2: Task failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:deploynativeZipsfrcJavaroborio’.

A failure occurred while executing edu.wpi.first.deployutils.deploy.artifact.ArtifactDeployWorker
4: Failure

  • Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org.

10 actionable tasks: 8 executed, 2 up-to-date

If you enclose the output in ``` it won’t be mangled by the forum and more readable.

Can you post the output of WPILib: Open Project Information?

Something is causing it to try to use the 2024 OpenCV version. I suspect this is the problem:

Could you post the code base you are using? I also suspect it is non-updated libraries. Have you updated both your roboRIO and your WPILib versions? If not, that may also be an issue.

I can’t update the roboRIO too, it says that the image is corrupted, and i already updated the NI Package Manager

I already updated my libraries, but it still don’t works

That sounds like that may be the issue. Are you using a roboRIO 1 or 2? Either way, you should try to redeploy firmware and then reimage it. Also, what Libraries are you using? Some may still be in Beta and WPILib won’t allow libraries in beta.

There is WPILib documentation step-by-step installation instructions that we helpers are trying to understand if you followed every step or which steps you skipped. Be specific about what steps you did. For example, you did say you installed the NI Package Manager but you didn’t say you installed the NI Game Tools. Did you install them?

yeah, i installed the Game Tools too, but i still can’t update my roboRIO

oh, alright, my robot use swerve’s module so YAGSL is still on beta, may be it. I’ll try reimage and redeploy my roboRIO 1.0 firmware

YASGL Beta will not work. You will need to redeploy firmware and reimage if the roboRIO is corrupted, but YAGSL 2025 is currently not out yet. I only know because I already had this issue :upside_down_face:

ok i’ll try it

I tried redeploy firmware and reimage, but i can’t it says that cannot open folder or file.

That happens if the hostname of your computer has any spaces, dashes or odd characters in it. Try changing the hostname of your computer to just have ASCII letters and numbers.

It still don’t works, i can’t reformat and update firmware.

Can you post what the hostname of your computer is now? And you rebooted after changing it?

Also, we’ve seen it occasionally happen before. Is your computer set to English for the language?

No, it isn’t in english, i’ll try it too, and the hostname now is “INFINITY”, and yes, i rebooted it.

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It still don’t works, i tried set my computer to English

Couple different things that could work
A) Make sure you have administrator perms and you are running the program as an administrator
B) Disable your wifi (not just turning it off, you will need to go into system settings > Network and Internet > Control Panel > Wifi > Disable Wifi )
C) Uninstall the program using the NI uninstaller and reinstall

Also, are you trying to reinstall firmware or just reimage? Make sure you are trying to reinstall firmware.

Idk how, but i solved it like 2h ago, thank u so much

1 Like

Congrats! What did you change to make it work?