I am the mentor for team 1598. We recorded the feed of 95% of the matches at VCU. They were on tape and I am putting them on DVD. I will have a copy of the DVD’s in Atlanta. Three DVD’s – Friday, Saturday Qualifications, and all Eliminations. If someone wants them that can arcive on the web – come to our pits. We did miss some matches and they are just straight video.
Much of the VCU regional has been archived online already at TBA, SOAP, and First Video Archive. Whatever is not archived yet will be archived after Atlanta or by whoever is willing to pick up the project before the person that did the videos up there already starts on it again, as stated here. You may also want to watch the TBA VCU thread.
I think that the video that is being put online now will be sharper than your VHS tapes since it came from the original source instead of the web cast and it was recorded straight to the computer.
Of course, somebody may still take up your offer as just a personal copy of everything. I don’t know…
Mine was recorded from the source S-Video from the source at VCU – Doesn’t get any sharper. I have what is missing in the arcives now. Just offering – if you don’t want it that is fine
Talk to Greg Marra, he’s the guy you want to get in touch with about this kind of thing (and with Blue Alliance.)
Looks like we need higher qualifiers and elims. PM me and I’ll send you information to get them to us. Thanks!