I know I’m posting a lot but How Do You Wire Redlines

I’ve tried soldering, using connecters but nothing is staying on firmly any ideas on how to wiring them

Have you tried Vexpro’s 775 Connect?

You can solder them, use spade connectors, or use a connector board.

If you solder, make sure you’re using good technique. Both the wire and the lead needs to get hot enough to form a solid connection. Bad joints or cold joints will fail quickly. Make sure you don’t overheat the lead either, or you can damage the motor internals.

Using spade connectors is a bit easier, if less permanent. You want to use an appropriately-sized female spade terminal. Make sure you have good crimp with a well-fitting spade terminal, then just plug it in.

You can also use any of a number of connector boards that solder to the leads and provide you with a common connector to plug wires into. Sold by Vex, Ozzyboards, The Robot Space, and ReFire (Anderson/XT60).

In any case, you’ll want to secure the wires to the motor so any forces on the wire aren’t transferred through the connector. You may also want to 3D print a back cover if you aren’t using a connector board with one built-in.

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