I’m stuck and I have no idea what to do and I’m responsible for coding the lift, can you please help me to find some resources teaching how to code or references.
Thank you for your help. I’m gonna use java, elevator type lift, powered by battery and limit switches as feedback sensor.
First of all, what language are you looking to program the lift in? What kind of lift are you trying to program, how is it being powered, and what feedback sensors (encoders, limit switches) are you using?
Welcome to Chief Delphi!
WPILIB is an excellent place to start. They have lots of examples, explanations, and links to their API.
If you are looking for general help with Java programming, How to think like a Computer Scientist is an excellent book. It is easily found free online in multiple computer languages. Here is a link to the Java version.
If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!
I’m using java
our team haven’t decided what the lift is gonna be like but can I have some example how to code it?
I will try to ask my team and I will reply in a day or two.
Thank you for replying, you made me happy!!!
elevator type with limit switch
Is it to climb for the endgame or is it for scoring game pieces? If game pieces are being scored with it I’d look at trying to add an encoder to the motor driving it for precise positioning. If it’s for climbing you can just plug the limit switch into say a TalonSRX or SparkMax to limit motion and then just have the motor output be controlled by joystick as it doesn’t require as much precision to climb.
Your software and sensor design will be heavily influenced by how you want your drivers to interact with the elevator, what motor controllers and motors you have available to you, and what sensors can be added to the system if necessary. Also whether your robot is command based vs iterative will have some impact.
Thank you :>>
This is the key programming decision after language: which model to use. Most FRC teams using Java and/or C++ use the command based model; it has great examples and user support, and makes things much easier as you add devices and functionality to your robot. If your robot is already driving around, this decision has been made; check your Robot.java file and see whether it includes a line like this:
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;
If so, you are using command based.
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