would it be possibe for a team to score 90 points during the endgame?
because if they had hooks that raised them and two robots up twelve inches off the ground by hooking onto the glass sheild thing. is there a rule prohibiting this?
Specifically, <G56>. (although <G32> and <G33> are also good for this)
<G56> ROBOTS in HOME ZONE - ROBOTS score bonus points at the end of the match if they are entirely in their HOME ZONE, not in contact with any element of the field (carpet, alliance station, goal etc.) and the lowest point of the ROBOT is higher than 4 inches and/or 12 inches above the carpeted field surface. The number of bonus points an ALLIANCE receives is based on the total number of ROBOTS satisfying these conditions…
The “glass shield thing” happens to be the alliance station wall.
Pneumatic hook launcher attached to winch. Then pick yourself and 2 other robots up and repel down upside down w/o dropping the 2 robots and then you’ll be batbot.
Ya that was the first thing we thought of after kickoff. But then we found out for the points to count the robots must not be touching the walls or game pieces.