I would not stand there

I am afraid for the photogarpher here, beware!
Team 329
Team 329

A goal on the front with the big spear and two hooks.
Another goal on the side with a single hook.
No ball capability.
Whats moters are you using to drive?

Drill and chalupa geared ( 2 ea.)

we also have a mouse

What happened to the middle guy in the background? You know, the guy with the 2/3 fingers bandaged. Did the bot bite him :slight_smile:
Robot looks good too. I hope you are going to cover your robot controller.

Wayne Doenges

Yes its a mean robot :slight_smile:
Yeah its covered by bent plexi
this was a early version of the bot (early shipping day :rolleyes: )

The robot didn’t bite me…err him, he just lost a battle with a table saw. Just to show who was the boss, the table saw got shut off for the rest of the day.

*Originally posted by Kevin Ray *
**The robot didn’t bite me…err him, he just lost a battle with a table saw. Just to show who was the boss, the table saw got shut off for the rest of the day. **

Must have been some battle to get both hands…
Hopfully something was kicked and it wasn’t his hands on the blade…
BTW, adult or student?
And I take it that the person is ok, and maybe a bit wiser?

I have a healthy respect for anything with a spinning blade, is very hot or has electricity going through it :slight_smile:
I hope your fingers heal fully.

Wayne Doenges

He is a coach and only nicked one finger then the aluminimum cut the other two fingers, it was not bad at all just a small accident, the hospital put big things on there cause he was coming back to work on the bot, dedicated?
but he will have to tell you if he feels wiser :slight_smile:
but I dont think anything like that will happen again, due to the lip he gets now from the team :smiley:

NICE! It looks like its ready for Battlebots! I hope you are on our side.

even more so when it is covered with 1/8" aluminimum plate on all sides :smiley:

(picture soon!)

Its verry robust and it drug a 110 person around the carpet with no problem

We have a very similar drivetrain and I was curious as to what your final gear ratio is for either the chip or drill motor.

I was curious because we can push in excess of 250 lb. with the greatest of ease, and still manage to be pretty fast. I wondered why you have the same 4WD and only thought to push 110. Just a thought.

we dident push 110 we pulled a goal with a 110lb kid handing on th the bars on the other side while laying down.
that should be >250lbs :smiley:
And it is 6 wheel drive