Hey, so, from what I’ve seen from the past two tournaments, whenever I’m on the practice field, I’ve noticed that many, and indeed, most teams were there trying to calibrate their autonomous mode. The fact of the matter is, the field is often inconsistent, PID values aren’t always perfect, and your drive is going to coast whether you like it or not. Even more frustrating, the field is often asymmetrical, and the wall is not always completely straight in relation to the peg. As such, I want to create a thread in which we discuss ideas on how to help autonomous modes work more consistently (especially without using vision, as many teams are not capable of using it yet).
I’ll start off with a couple of things our team did.
Silicon Valley Regional, I’m fairly certain, had a slightly asymmetric field. Our side auton would work, but only on the red-alliance boiler-side, and our center auton was always off, even though it was working perfectly at SFR. I conferred with a couple other teams during the tournament (254, and 5026), and they reported similar findings.
Near the end of the tournament, when our robot had to do center peg, I developed an alignment tool for the dashboard. The idea was, you would move the robot to the center peg, and then turn the robot on-- waiting for the gyro to calibrate-- and then move it back to the wall. Once you were at the wall, there were a couple of lights on the dashboard all in a horizontal line. These indicated how off your angle was relative to when you turned the robot on at the peg. For instance, the light in the center is on, that means you’re dead on and you’re all set to go. If the light on the inner right is on, it means you’re 2 degrees off, light in the middle right is on it means you’re 4 degrees off, etc.
Anyone got anything else?