If the world was like Chief Delphi...

If the world was like the ChiefDelphi forums…

…I would be able to rep people on anything they did. Talk too much about yourself? Name-drop too much? Bam, negative rep. Send me a birthday card? Say “hi” to me on the street? Definitely positive rep. Little red/green boxes would float above their head for all to see.

…I would be able to filter out stuff I didn’t care about paying attention to. Of course, according to this article, we already can. At least, anyone still in the 18-34 advertising bracket can.

…I would actually be able to wink, since my face contorts all weird ways when I try to do it. Also, along these lines, all I would need to do is think :: cool :: and my sunglasses would be on my face.

Yeah, you know it’s time for a weird thread when the end of the week in the summer rolls around :wink:

Everybody would wear the same clothes every day…
…or at least until a picture moderator approves the who-am-i change of clothes.

If the world was like Chief Delphi…

… Brandon could fix all :stuck_out_tongue:

… People wouldn’t need to ask how you’re doing - they’d just look at your avatar

… The food of the day would always be a Chief Deli sandwich

… You wouldn’t need to ask others what year they are in school - you’d just look at the rookie year, also above their heads

Everyday at 5:47am we will have to stop what we’re doing and write down everything we did in the past 24 hours just in case we forget.

Those that have made great comments will have them hovering above them with a spotlight on them for all to see.

Almost everyone’s family tree will contain at least one “V-Neun”.

There would be more Mac users. :wink:

Dave Lavery would be the leader of Las Vegas.

…we’d have a popularity contest which often holds back people from speaking their mind (alright, it’s called the Presidential Election, but that’s not the point).

On the non-pointmaking side of things:

…I’d be quizzing everyone at 10pm EST (cheap plug).

…The majority of us would’ve legally changed our name to John-V-Neun.

…The Holy Order of FIRSTism would be a major religion (and Dean Kamen would be god).

…FIRST-a-holics Anonymous would be filled up every session.

…Mountain Dew would be currency.

…MissInformation would be in charge of the plastic surgery (sorry, best real world metaphor I could come up with to describe her often hilarious photoshop antics).

…We’d all be discussing crazy things, among them “If the world was like ::insert title here::…” :stuck_out_tongue:

–you would see a lot of orange and grey…

  • After everyone finishes speeking they would go on for a few more moments on all the FIRST events they’ve attended and awards they have won.

  • Moderators would halt my conversations :rolleyes:

There would be a forum for help on everything and everything in the world…
Car troubles? Ask the forums!
Relationship troubles? Ask the forums!
Technical questions about school? Ask the forums!

OK, OK, you get the picture…

Chief Delphi is a most valuable service. I wish a similar forum existed for every topic under the sun that people need help on.
(Instead of just putting all my “other” questions in CD’s Chit Chat section…)

(Oh, and your password and username would be the same for all of them…)
Brandon… get on that will you???:ahh:

People would no longer type with their fingers and keyboards would be redesigned to better suit noses, toes, tongues (flavored keyboards there!) chins, etc.

I would be constantly picking on Dave.

People would be more eager to help out, offer advice and encourage each other to better things… not a bad world, that.


Isn’t that already the case here, Heidi ?](http://www.factorfantasy.com/Photos/oompadave.jpg)

If the world was like Chief Delphi, there would suddenly be a bigger demand for crates with inside dimensions of 36"x30"x60".

…Walking around wearing red and blue paint and a funky wig would be considered normal.

…Pepsi-Cola’s shares would skyrocket.

…People would be able to call people out (with cause, of course), and not leave with a bloody nose.

…Children would be born with a silver joystick in their hand.

… any time you made a comment to someone, they would send you a note back asking why (curse that darned reputation PM system :p)

… noone would ever get anything done, because they were too busy playing word games and typing their names with their _____s :stuck_out_tongue:

… People would only show 14 facial expressions

… A thumbs up sign would appear over someone’s head whenever they agreed with you. Make that “thumbs down” if they disagree.

… Forget all the bibliographies and MLA standards required for writing reports… Just click on the “Quote” button

… Botox? Psh. Just click on “Disable smilies” :stuck_out_tongue:

… How about foot-in-mouth? Have no fear, the “Delete post” button is here

You know, my Dad’s quote in his HS yearbook adressed that issue perfectly.

It was: “A closed mouth attracts no feet.”

So, here is my modern version of that: :-X

Moderators wouldn’t be able to walk down the street without the following happening:

“Do you know where Brandon is?”
“Can you fix this for me?”
“Hey, that’s not fair. Why did you do that?”
grumble grumble I hate (insert moderator’s name) grumble grumble
“I don’t like what you’re saying, you stink, and here’s why…”
“Amanda, break this fight up!”

  • forty people would be speaking at once, with horrible grammar, and we’d have to read every word of it and try to make some sense of it.
  • there would be a lot of finger pointing, name calling, and accusations.
  • there would be a lot of bickering over stupid things.

From a moderator’s point of view, especially through some of the stickier and sketchier moments of the 2004 season on ChiefDelphi: Present yourself as you would if the great Dr. Flowers was standing over your shoulder - would you say some of the things you say to each other on these boards? Would you challenge, backtalk, and pester someone who didn’t agree with you?

I hope this helps some of you realize what kind of behavior you (or your teammates) display, whether you think you represent your team or not! No disclaimer on earth lets you disassociate yourself with your team or what you represent because you want to say something not particularly nice, but lets you be associated again when you want to say something to encourage others, etc. By being on your team, you are just that - on a team of people. Every person represents a team… You do, too.

If the world was like chief delphi,

Then i would have to be around Brandon All the time just so he doesnt feel so tall
Hawiian Shirts would be “in”
instead of flags we would all wave Trinagles Circles and Squares outside our houses
there would’nt be states or countries just team numbers
we would elect leaders based on their tranny designs