*edit: Sorry, BOULDER…
If you are in possession of a boulder and then run over another boulder, does it mean that you created a foul as per 3.4.9 G38?
From what I saw at the Week Zero event that I was at, a lot of robots ‘trapped’ a boulder when they ran it over. Does this constitute trapping or herding?
This is pretty ambiguous a rule - and I hate for my team to be in violation of more than one rule each season…
IMHO, it depends upon how long you are on the Boulder. If you get stuck on the Boulder, then that is a problem.
Typically in past years referee’s generally give you a reasonable chance to avoid being called. So if you have a ball and drive over another one by accident and you immediately reverse and kick it out from under you, typically that would just be inconsequential and not called (unless repeated). But if you have a ball and this second ball gets stuck under you and takes more than around 4-5 seconds of actively trying to get rid of it, you’ll likely get a penalty.
That said… its in your best interest that if you are a team that has worries about the potential of a second ball getting lodged under you ever, that you just make sure your drivers are very clear that they should avoid even contacting a second ball while you are in possession of another one. Its unfortunate if it happens, but it will happen and will likely be called many times this year so take the necessary precautions when competing and try to avoid being the team that causes your alliance to shake their heads at an avoidable foul.