Ok, as this is the Rumor Mill (Lathe?), don’t take anything I say to be 100% true, in any circumstance. That little disclaimer said, here’s what I’ve heard…
One of the tech teachers who will be on my team for the upcoming year (he wasn’t last year, due to issues regarding him keeping a job at the school), called me up last week and told me something that may or may not be true, but is at least a matter of interest to everyone here.
He told me, first of all, that the new programming language would probably be C (or some embedded variant), and second, that his “sources” (he apparently talked to someone at IFI, not too sure if I believe that or not) said that there may be a problem involving availibility of the new controllers for the 2004 season, meaning that we may not receive the new controllers when we were expecting them (I forget exactly when this was to be).
Now, keep in mind, I don’t entirely trust my teacher, as he’s given me some completely bogus stuff before, but in anycase, this seems like it could very well be true. The part about the programming language, I think we’ve already more or less decided will be between C and Java, this may give another point to C. The part about not being able to make enough controllers fast enough, I’m not too sure, because every team needs a new controller, unless we’re all to destroy last year’s robots .
As one last thing, remember, this is the Rumor Mill, so while this is probably false, no one can say for sure (unless you work for IFI :)). And no, I’m not trying to pull everyones’ leg, I’ll leave that to the pros ;).