Every time I start it it has a invalid address error how do I fix this please help.
Could you please be more specific and post the exact error message? Does this occur every time you start the program, or every time you start the download?
Is it the loader that gives the error message, or is it Windows?
Either way, I recommend redownloading the loader and seeing if it works. Your copy might have become corrupted.
Also try loading the default hex file into the loader… maybe somehow the hex file your generating is corrupt or not the right format
I have learned a great deal today about my own stupidity… well not stupidity btu maybe forgetfulness.
Care to elaborate? Someone else might come along with a similar issue =)
Check your com ports on the machine. Make sure that the com port isn’t plugged into another device.
I have found out whet we have been doing not it is only a syntax error now