IFI Loader Question

We have not been able to get the robot to run since when we first plugged it in. Ever since I have edited the code and sent the new code to the robot… it hasn’t been moving. None of the motors are running. Ive tried the default code, Ive tried switch PWM ports, Ive tried everything. When we move the joysticks, the PWM01 and PWM02 lights arn’t lighting up either. WE did get it running for a bout 1 minute. Then it stopped then next time I loaded the program.

I noticed there is the IFI Loader 1.1.0. Right now we are using 1.0.2 Or whatever that version was. It was dowloading it to the robot, so I thought it was alright. Then I realized that may be the problem. When I tried installing the new IFI Loader, it said my system files are out of date, and I needed to hit ok and restart the computer to update them. I tried that and it didn’t work. Does it mean that I need Windows SP2? I am trying to install SP2 for Windows over night. Other than that., what other files would need to be updated? And could this be the reason the bot isn’t running?

Okay, I got the new IFI Loader all working, but the robot and motors get have no motion. I put the new code on and it does the same thing. All of the speed controllers are solid orange, but nothing happens. Any ideas?

If the default code works and yours doesn’t, the problem is in your code. Make sure that nothing else in the code is affecting the outputs you are controlling between your code and PutData(…).

Also, make sure your code is in or called by Process_Data_From_Master_uP(…).

And lastly, make sure you aren’t in autonomous mode or disabled (the Disabled LED on the OI should be off in user controlled mode).

First things first. Are you certain you’re loading the same code that you compiled, and are you certain that you’re compiling the same code that you edited? It’s easy to accidentally modify files in the wrong directory, or to accidentally choose the wrong .hex file in the IFI loader.

Okay, I think the problem is some where in the compiling part. What is the proccess for doing this? I forgot since last year. Is there a certain directory I have to choose in the project dialog box. I remember doing something wiht that last year. Thanks for th help so far

Okay the problem is with me compiling it. I open my code, edit what I need. Then I go to Make and it is suppose to make a hex file with the new code. I cant find where this file gets put when it is made. Do I have to specify a certain directory to put it in or is there defaults? After I make it, I open the IFI Loader and load it. The problem is, the Compiler isn’t making the file correctly or the directory for the file is all messed up.

Unless you’ve managed to change some deep settings, the compiled .hex file is placed in the directory where the .mcp project file resides. That’s almost always the same directory which contains the .c and .h source files.

Hmmm, do I just hit build and it suppose to compile and be there. Is there a dialog box that comes up when you do it? I hit make, and it seems like nothing happens. Maybe I have some setting messed up. Ill try reinstalling MPLAB to get the defaults back.

Before you can do anything worthwhile, you need to have loaded a project. You do that by choosing Open… from the Project menu and selecting the proper .mcp file.

The project file defines which source files are used to build the program, and lets the IDE tell the compiler and linker exactly what to do.

When you Make or Build the project, you should see a bunch of output from the compiler and linker as each source file is checked and turned into executable code.

Okay, aprently the output dialog box was under the project. I scrolled down and found it… that was way to easy. Okay, now I know my error. It says, “Couldn’t locate build tool. Check tool locations.” I extracted the MPLAB, and installed it. I didn’t mess with any files. So is there some other files I need to the program to build?

You also need to install the C18 2.4 compiler that was provided in this year’s kit of parts on a CD. The compiler takes all your C code and turns it into machine code that the robot controller can understand.

Hmmm, that may be why… I downloaded this version. Thanks! Im gona try it right now.

Okay, I got the default code working after we compiled it. Yay!!! I tried compiling the camera code and it said it is missing stdio.h and all of the other Header files are missing. Where do i find these?

If you installed the C-18 compiler with default options, these header files are under C:\mcc18\h. To point the compiler to this file, click Project > Build options > Project, and change the Include path to C:\mcc18\h, and the library path to C:\mcc18\lib.

Post back here if you have problems with it.

Yah! Thats what I remember doing last year. I knew I had to do something like that. Hopefully /I will become more experienced with this in the next fea years :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the help!