IFI/VexPro 2" C-Channel Dimensions

Can anyone help me out with either a CAD file or even a dimensional print for the IFI/VexPro 2"x1" C-Channel part number: IFI-FRAME-C2-72 found on this webpage: http://www.vexrobotics.com/products/vexpro/ifi-frame.html I’ve looked and cant find it anywhere.

Obviously they say it is 1"x2"x1"x72" and 1/8" thick and has predrilled 1/4" holes but I am looking for more specific dimensions on hole layout, etc. I am assuming the holes are on 1" centers but how far from the edge, etc. Is the 1" and 2" dimensions inside or outside, etc.

I think it might be perfect for our application but at $50 a piece it would be nice to see more info before I purchase.


You can find a PDF at this link:


Or you can also find downloadable CAD files at http://www.3dcontentcentral.com search for IFI

Good luck.

Thanks but neither of those sources have the 2" x 1" channel that I am looking for. I am not looking for the old IFI Kitbot chassis material. I’m looking for their aluminum structural framing which is similar but not the same. Thanks though!

Anyone else have anything? JVN?


PM me your email and I can send the .stp file for the part in question.

Parker F.

PM Sent. Thanks!

For anyone else looking for CAD files for any of the VEX PRO structural framing, the STEP files are now available via the VEX CAD wiki page. A link to this page can be found on the product page.

Thanks, and good luck!
-Parker F.