When uploading the fri_camera or fri_camera_s to the controller board, we never see the “Searching…” The terminal window is blank.
I believe checked with hyperterm and all we see onscreen is IFI> .
We are unclear what types of diagnostic steps to take here out to test some default code before attempting to write our own. We’d like to see the camera performing some default tracking and we are having issues with Labview at the moment.
We’ve had this problem as well with all our other code in place with the camera. The solution to our problem was to use IFI Loader 1.1.0 dated 1/26/2006. I think this version allows writing of the entire memory available in the RC (Our code was just a little bit over 25% available memory when we started encountering the problem and the new processor for 2005 has 4x the flash the previous (2005) rc had.)
I have the exact same problem, so I guess I don’t have to start a thread now…
So please help me, I don’t want to have to dispose of a body again…
And to answer these question The only light on for me is the green The backup battery is installed, I guessing you mean the one of the rc controller if not that may be my problem, And yes I am using the tll converter, and yes its tethered.
Also, It was working but the tilt would run away, so I went into tracking.h and changed it, should I have tried tacking.c?, and after that it wouldn’t work. I have pwm01 and pwm 02 to the controller blocked out of the code, and everytime I load the code, it doesn’t work and I just get the ifi> thingy.
Please help me, I’ll give TWO cookies! not just one but TWO!!!
Thanks in advance, and sorry for hijacking your thread, I just didn’t want to make a second thread since our problems sound similar.